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The Leiden Institute for FAIR and Equitable Science (LIFES) is a public-private partnership where FAIR data and services are the norm. LIFES will develop and maintain the required expertise and ecosystem for the equitable and privacy preserving reuse of data and services.


LIFES Members

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Join LIFES with your organisation and become part of a vibrant, global and implementation-oriented community that provides a critical mass of expertise and implementation capability, fully compliant with the FAIR principles.

The founding partners of LIFES are the GO FAIR Foundation, CCC (Copyright Clearance Center), FAIRscholar, HINQ, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University / Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Roche Nederland B.V., Sage, TNO and the University of Twente (UT). They represent an international public-private partnership of forward-thinking academic and private organisations that have joined forces to address the challenges of global data reuse. 

Vision &

  • Vision: Global, FAIR and Equitable Science and Innovation as the new normal

  • Mission: Facilitate FAIR based, privacy preserving, and distributed data generation as well as equitable reuse

Establishing a FAIR-data Ecosystem

LIFES will facilitate an ecosystem where FAIR data generation, privacy preserving data stewardship, and equitable reuse of information are the norm. A radically distributed approach, where data is visited and queried at the source, will be an essential characteristic of this ecosystem. LIFES will serve as a catalyst for removing unnecessary barriers to equitable data visiting for legitimate research questions that meet legal, ethical and consent requirements. 

Data remains
at the source

Data is made
machine readable

Data is made
machine visitable

Data is

LIFES will address the challenges of global data reuse by building a wide and diverse network of public and private member organisations that want to incorporate the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and equitable data reuse. 


LIFES runs a lively network of member organisations with regular events and activities. Per capability cluster, monthly networking meetings are organised. The communications team coordinates press engagements, events and social media. Each year an annual LIFES conference will be organised to which members have discounted access.

LIFES provides a ready-made consortium for funded research projects to provide FAIR enabling capabilities. These projects may provide opportunities for innovation. The LIFES translational research team spots potential synergies and overlap with services already provided by LIFES member organisations and help bring FAIR innovation to market.

LIFES brokers access to the services of LIFES Application & Service Provider (ASP) members (following an additional onboarding process). It detects and helps to fill gaps in the desired overall services portfolio. It will also detect and foster synergy between services and actively promote collaboration and the development of joint (unique) services. In certain cases LIFES may co-fund joint development.

LIFES organises its network of ASPs through a number of catalogues to provide a coherent offering of training, data stewardship, analytics (FAIR trains / drones / algorithms) and scalable infrastructure.

LIFES will take the lead in building a growing depot of pre-approved ‘trains and drones’ enabling a fast, reliable access to pre-defined queries, available through LIFES.

Networking Members

Join LIFES with your organisation and become part of a vibrant, global and implementation-oriented community that provides a critical mass of expertise and implementation capability, fully compliant with the FAIR principles.


 You are an organisation that uses FAIR services and technology.

Data generation and reuse for analytics are important aspects of your operations. You want to adopt the FAIR principles to get more value from data.


 You are an application or service provider (ASP) that offers FAIR enabling capabilities or aspires to do so. LIFES  gives you access to users and collaboration opportunities and you learn how to apply a FAIR approach to your services.


 You have the ambition to start a similar public private Institute in your own country or region. In LIFES you will learn from the experiences in the LIFES network, get support in setting up your institute and thus expand the global LIFES network.

Watch this video and see what benefits are available to you!

  • Become part of a vibrant, global and implementation-oriented community that provides a critical mass of expertise and implementation capability, fully compliant with the FAIR principles.


  • Stay up to date on the latest FAIR developments via the LIFES LinkedIn page and bi-monthly newsletter. This includes invitations to attend topical webinars, practical workshops and other relevant events.


  • We organise monthly networking meetings focused on the capability clusters of FAIR training, data stewardship, distributed analytics, machine learning and infrastructure:


  • Here we share LIFES updates and events, introduce new members, invite interesting speakers, discuss case studies and user needs, showcase FAIR enabling resources and highlight funding opportunities and calls for proposals. 


  • Members get exclusive (video) summaries and invites for members-only follow-up meetings.


  • Get discounted access for two participants to the annual LIFES conference that will take place in the month of May or June, starting in 2025.


  • Make use of LIFES offices (next to train station) to work and meet with other LIFES networking members.


  • Access the core library of machine actionable assertions that will be developed within LIFES, enabling seamless connection of all components within the distributed LIFES  ecosystem.

  • Free FAIR awareness eLearning course.


  • Promote novel use cases to be implemented 


  • Get assistance in finding reliable ASPs


  • Discounts to selected services​​​​​​​

  • Participate in industry-specific collaborations.


  • Pitch your offering at the regular networking meetings 


  • Join PPP funding proposals


  • Become approved LIFES ASP 


  • Publish you service in machine readable format


  • Access to core assertion library for commercial use


  • Learning environment for setting up own institute


  • Help develop awareness and implementation strategy


  • Train staff to FAIR facilitator or trainer level


  • Access to training materials 


  • Build on the job experience 


Contact us to determine your personalised member package

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