Fellows Programme
The GO FAIR Foundation Fellows Programme aims to build human capacity for implementing FAIR data and services in ways that are consistent with the ​ GO FAIR Foundation Criteria. Fellows spend agreed-upon time with the GFF to contribute their knowledge and skills in the larger GO FAIR community, learn more about FAIR implementation approaches, and in most cases become a qualified implementer who can help others to implement FAIR data and services. With the Fellows Programme, the GO FAIR Foundation offers a platform where talented and motivated people can collaborate to find solutions to FAIR related challenges that are identified within the GO FAIR Foundation Fellows organisation.
Meet the GFF Fellows

Copyright Clearance Center
Robin Bramley
Robin has 25 years of experience unlocking the value hidden in data. His work has helped UK police forces meet statutory reporting requirements, financial services firms transact online with business partners, publishers streamline production and achieve greater reuse of assets.

Margreet Bloemers
Margreet implements FAIR data practices at ZonMw, the Dutch public health research funder. Funders can drive (require from) researchers to FAIRify data. Together with the GO FAIR Foundation and Health-RI, Margreet co-developed domain-specific data FAIRification in COVID-19 research.

Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Norbert van Dijk
Norbert is an experienced policy advisor with a background in information management, CIO-advisory, portfolio management, enterprise architecture, ICT-architecture, design, and development. Strong interest in the use of data and evidence-based policy in public administration.

Marin Beims
Marin has a background in neurosciences. She started working at Health~Holland in Oktober '22 as an analyst. She became acquainted with FAIR data and started working on the implementation of FAIR data within Health~Holland in collaboration with other funders in the Netherlands.

Leiden University
Alessa Gambardella
Alessa is a Data Steward at the Faculty of Science at Leiden University, where she helps develop RDM policy and education, advises researchers on RDM best practices, and stimulates FAIR awareness and implementation within the Faculty. She holds a PhD in Analytical Chemistry.

IBICT - Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology
Luana Sales
Luana Sales is a Brazilian professor of Information Science. She began her professional career working as a data librarian in the Nuclear area. As an academic, her research focuses on Knowledge Organizations Systems (SKOS), metadata and semantic networks. She currently leads the GO FAIR Brazil Office.

Maryam Zare Jeddi
Maryam is an exposure scientist specializing in human health risk assessment. She is committed to implementing FAIR principles in the human biomonitoring research pipeline to enhance the quality, accessibility, and reusability of scientific data for risk assessment and regulatory compliance.