the Three Point FAIRification Framework

About the Framework
The Three-Point FAIRification Framework (3PFF) provides practical “how to” guidance to stakeholders seeking to “go FAIR”. The principle goal of the 3PFF is to maximize reuse of existing resources, optimize interoperability, and accelerate convergence on standards and technologies supporting FAIR data and services.
As the name suggests, the 3PFF focuses attention on 3 key decision points in FAIRification which are descibed in more details below:
[FIP] FAIR Implementation Profile
[M4M] Machine Actionable Metadata
[FO] FAIR Orchestration

FAIR ImplementationProfile
The re-usable FAIR vocabularies and metadata schemata produced in the M4M workshops compose part of the overall FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP). The FIP is a published record of domain-relevant community standards regarding FAIR. FIP workshops guide participants in the creation and maintenance of their community-specific FIPs.
Machine Actionable Metadata
Typically, the FAIRification process begins when a community of practice considers its domain-relevant data requirements and other data policy considerations, and formulates these as machine-actionable metadata components. These considerations, and routes to their FAIR implementation, are supported in Metadata for Machines (M4M) workshops.

FAIR Orchestration
The FIP in turn guides the choice and configuration of FAIR infrastructure, for example the use of FAIR repositories such as FAIR Data Points or the application of FAIR Digital Objects which contribute to a global Internet of FAIR Data and Services. FAIR Orchestration (FO) workshop formats have been developed to introduce approaches and thus support well-informed FO choices fit to community-specific purposes.